Call Now – 888-674-4044

The #1 Exotic Car Rental in Miami Beach



Contact Us:

Toll Free: 888-674-4044
Local: 305-330-6322
Fax: 305-421-0477
E-mail: [email protected]

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday  from  9:00am – 6:00pm  
After hours by appointment only.
Saturday and Sunday by appointment only.

White Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica rental Miami profile view rszd - mph club










Exotic Car Rental Options for an Unforgettable Miami Beach Experience

Embrace a nightlife like no other: a perfect mix of fun, intrigue and excitement. If you’re in search of the perfect Luxury and Exotic Car Rental in Miami Beach, we have it. mph club has a robust stable of the latest models of exotic and luxury vehicles. Browse our fleet of amazing vehicles and we know you’ll fall in love.

mph club has a vehicle for every individual. Thrill behind the wheel of the Lamborghini Aventador. Or enjoy the opulent luxury of the Bentley GTC. No matter your taste, mph club has the ride to meet it.

We have the perfect Luxury and Exotic car for your needs in Miami Beach

Make sure your rental cars in Miami Beach are designed to match the scenery of Magic City.

Thrill in the dazzling days and limitless nightlife of Miami Beach’s scene. The best way to experience it is whipping past. Match the beauty of the beach scene and the people with a stunning luxury and exotic car rental in Miami Beach.

Miami Beach is home to countless five-star restaurants including Prime One Twelve and Nobu Miami Beach. The nightlife here will fill any visitor’s schedule with countless choices. mph club is ready to transform your Miami Beach visit. Explore our exotic car rental Miami Beach specials and exotic and luxury vehicle experiences.

Experience Miami Beach’s best sights with the wind in your hair. Miami’s most iconic bridge, the MacArthur Causeway, guides you from downtown Miami to Miami Beach. There’s nothing like feeling the heart-pumping power of the Ferrari 458 Italia. Cruise over Miami’s crystal clear water in this beast or our other cars and you’ll get it.

Exotic Car Rental in South Beach, Miami

Our cars go perfectly with the South Beach aesthetic, too. Consider the breezy, oceanside comfort of an outdoor cafe while your luxury car is parked nearby. Or cruise past the beachgoers, turning heads as your sun-kissed skin gleams in your convertible.

Hungry for a carefree weekend? We have the exotic car rental in South Beach, Miami to pair with it.

Miami Beach Car Rental Services

Unlike other Miami Beach car rental companies, we specialize in a full-service experience for our customers. After all, you’re expecting a luxury car rental in Miami Beach, not and everyday rent-a-car.

Your special visit to this stunning city begins just as you arrive. Enjoy our chauffeur’s service, with access to and from Miami International. With services for our luxury and exotic car rental in South Beach Miami, be pampered. Every element of your experience here can be luxurious.

And if you don’t know what kind of car you should get, work with our customer team. We are more than happy to help you decide on the perfect luxury and exotic car rental in Miami Beach. Consider the stately Rolls Royce, or go for something sportier, like the McLaren 765LT.

Our luxury car rental in Miami Beach are designed to be decadent. No matter your needs, our customer service team will ensure your experience with mph club is truly high end.

Miami Beach Exotic Car Rental Considerations

Miami Beach is a favorite for a lot of Miami’s guests, thanks to the miles of clean, stunning sand and surf. Since South Florida has some of the most tropical weather systems passing over it, a convertible is key. The Ferrari 458 Italia is a beautiful exotic car selection when in town.

If you’re interested in driving beautiful exotic vehicles through the sun-touched streets of Miami, view all inventory. Drivers with discerning tastes should look no further than mph club. We are your go-to Miami Beach exotic car rental resource.


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