This episode is part one of a two-part series with the co-founder of mph club Lee Sustiel.
mph club Corporate Events
If you are that ideal company that strikes a balance between caring for the business, the clients, and ensuring the wellness of their employees, mph Club is on your side, and we want to be a part of your company’s success and compassion stories.
mph club Chauffeur Services
Do you want to ride in luxury cars and exotic cars without the hassle of driving? We got you! Sign-up for mph Club’s Chauffeur Services, and we’ll provide you professional Chauffeurs and more!
mph club Membership Lease Program
Live the dream of driving different exotic cars every day through mph club Membership Program. Sign-up now, and you can literally drive different exotic cars every weekend of the year!
Reviews | Ferrari 812 Superfast Rental
it's really special that we get to review this car today because there aren’t many of these cars available in the country! Don't forget all these cars are brought to you by mph club, we are the luxury and exotic car rental company so just reach out to us for...
Dan Bilzerian
We’ve successfully built a relationship with Dan Bilzerian aka The king of Instagram over the passed several years. If one person could perfectly embody the spirit of mph club and the Miami luxury lifestyle that one person might be Dan Bilzerian.
Myrtle Beach Safari
About a month of planning led up to this moment. A simple conversation over instagram with a wildlife photographer turned into coordinating a meet up where we took over million dollars worth of exotic vehicles to a remote wildlife preserve.
Floyd Mayweather
Another successful event in the books! Ride 2 Revive’s Annual event had an amazing turn out and of course mph club® had to be there to show our support. Ride 2 Revive is a charity held by Prestige Lamborghini Miami’s owner, Brett David, and his sister Brooke David that is...
Ride 2 Revive: mph club’s Good Deeds
Another successful event in the books! Ride 2 Revive’s Annual event had an amazing turn out and of course mph club® had to be there to show our support. Ride 2 Revive is a charity held by Prestige Lamborghini Miami’s owner, Brett David, and his sister Brooke David that is...